Our Specialized Patent Assessment

Does the Chancy and Bruce Dk program assess children and their progress?

Through our Dk program, every child will be screened on THE SCHOOL READINESS DEVELOPMENTAL PROFILE. This screening assesses the child’s ability to process information and not achievement based on rote memorization of facts. The assessment is a 30-minute one-on-one Criterion Referenced Screening.

Children will be asked to perform school readiness tasks in our 10 Pathways

10 Pathways

  • the development and awareness of large muscle activity

  • the development of the small muscles of the body

  • the ability to visually differentiate the forms and symbols in one's environment

  • the ability to accurately recall prior visual experiences

  • the ability to receive and differentiate auditory stimuli (beg/mid/ending sounds)

  • the ability to retain and recall auditory information

  • the ability to understand words in accord with chronological age

  • the ability to express oneself verbally

  • the ability to use judgment and reasoning as the child understands his or her environment

  • the ability to understand academic concepts (Ex: numbers versus letters. Words versus sentences. uppercase versus lowercase

Depending on the time of the assessment, the results will be used to determine:

 1- A base-line with goal-setting requirements (beginning of the year)

2- Trending growth assessment (mid-year assessment)


3- Next school year recommendations (end of year assessment)